Beware The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

A 34 year old guy drove himself to the hospital because he was playing the new Zelda game on the Nintendo Switch and started having some chest pain. He mentioned it to his wife, who forced him to come to the hospital. He had no past medical history, didn’t smoke, and wasn’t sure about his family history. I’m paraphrasing, but this is essentially what he told us: “Truth is, I been playing that game a lot lately and I think the old lady just wanted to get me off of it for a little while – you know, get out and get some fresh air. So she made me come here”.

Here’s his EKG:

He was taken to the cath lab and found to have a 100% proximal LAD occlusion and 70% mid-LAD stenosis; 2 stents were placed.

Take-home points:


  • Always get an EKG in someone with chest pain
  • Recognize this as a STEMI
  • If a Zelda game can do this, can you imagine how many MIs were caused by Mike Tyson’s Punchout back in the day? Now that game was stressful!


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