July 31, 2020

Get the **** CT

1 in 10 people over the age of 60 who present with abdominal pain will DIE. Order the right test from the start to protect yourself.
December 29, 2018

3 Letters Make All the Difference…

Don’t confuse the ‘knee’ for the ‘knee-cap’! There are a select few indications for getting an orthopedist to come to the ED in the middle of the night, but a true knee dislocation might be one of them. I remember being an ER resident on
February 25, 2018

Lies of Omission

A 40-year old asthmatic presents to the ED with non-productive cough for two weeks. She has no other past medical history. She dropped her kids off at school, and being healthy and without a primary care physician, then drove herself to a hospital for some
November 30, 2017

Choosing Fruits Wisely

There are many reasons that bananas are my favorite fruit. They’re delicious, can be enjoyed nearly anywhere, and make for hilarious comic strips: There’s really nothing bad you can say about a banana. Here’s the setup: imagine you’re at the park on a beautiful day
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